Keep Lubbock Moving.

Vote FOR
Prop A

For Our Safety. For Our Future.

Safety near schools

Relief from traffic congestion

Improved road conditions

Better infrastructure for future growth

What Is Proposition A?

Prop A is a road bond initiative to fund seven critical infrastructure projects across Lubbock, including within all three Lubbock school districts. 

Prop A will expand and repair roads to ease congestion and improve traffic flow.


Spend More Time Where It Counts

Expanding & Improving Seven Key Routes

Lubbock's growth hasn't slowed down but traffic has.

Our mission is to repair and improve our roadways and get Lubbock back to being a 10-15 minute city.

We Can't Afford To Wait

The Cost of Doing Nothing

If we don't act now, the 36-month waiting period for bond elections means we'll be stuck with three more years of worsening traffic and road conditions.

The Time Is Right Now

By acting now, we can take advantage of lower supply costs and interest rates.

Why wait and pay more later when we can solve these issues today?

"When I'm trying to pick up my middle schooler, it takes me 20 minutes to go 3 miles."

- Tessa Spencer

"It takes us as long as 10 minutes just to exit the parking lot after I pick up my son. Then, the wait begins—bottlenecked roads and too many people. It's a total mess."

- Ashley Johnson

"I don't live in Dallas for a reason!"

- Lauren Pugh

Keep Lubbock Moving

Vote FOR Prop A This November!

“Prop A is important for public safety. The better the roads are, the more efficient, quicker, and safer we can respond to calls of service as firefighters in Lubbock.”

Joseph Wallace, President of Lubbock Professional Fire Fighters Association

"Thank goodness the generations before me saw the vision and provided the roads. And we need to do the same thing and be FOR Prop A."

Robert Taylor, Former CEO of United Supermarkets & Loyal Supporter of the Lubbock Community

“Prop A is so important to Lubbock because of the future of road development. We want our schools to be safe and our parents and students driving to school to be safe. The roads that are being proposed to be widened and extended are critical infrastructure points.”

Keith Bryant, Lubbock Cooper ISD Superintendent


How do I vote for Lubbock Prop A?

Prop A will be at the bottom of your ballot.

Down the Ballot

Vote ✅ FOR Prop A this November.

What happens if Prop A doesn't pass?

If Proposition A fails this election cycle, Lubbock will face increased traffic congestion and road safety issues. Existing Lubbock road conditions will continue to deteriorate as Lubbock's population increases.

Delaying necessary repairs and roadway expansions could lead to higher costs for Lubbock residents in the future, impacting our quality of life.

A failed bond means we would have to wait another 36 months before a new road bond election could be held, prolonging the need for critical infrastructure improvements.

How does Prop A improve road safety?

By addressing the repair and expansion of roads, Prop A aims to significantly reduce traffic accidents and congestion.

The plan includes the addition of sidewalks and stoplights, ensuring safer crossings for pedestrians, particularly near schools and busy intersections.

Enhanced safety features such as medians and dedicated turning lanes will help reduce the likelihood of collisions and improve traffic flow.

Didn't Lubbock recently pass another road bond?

Yes. The city of Lubbock is delivering on its promises from our 2022 road bond. However, another road bond election is necessary to continue addressing Lubbock's need for road expansion projects.

Prior to the 2022 road bond election, Lubbock hadn't approved a new road bond in 13 years. Now we are working to catch up and get ahead of critical road improvements.

Why should I vote for Prop A?

The good news we are growing. Lubbock city growth is projected to exceed a population of 400,000 by 2040 creating a pressing need for infrastructure to keep pace with our growth.

Currently, many of our city's road conditions require repair and expansion to make our roads safer near schools and shorten our commute times. Taking advantage of current low interest rates and supply costs is crucial for maximizing our investment in road improvements.

How will Prop A impact my taxes?

The tax implications of these Lubbock road bonds this 2024 election have been carefully considered to ensure minimal impact while providing essential infrastructure improvements.

Prop A proposes a gradual property tax adjustment over seven years. The increase starts moderately, peaks in year three, and then decreases through year seven.

On average, Lubbock homeowners will see an annual increase of just $29.59, though the exact amount may vary slightly year to year.

Homeowners 65 years and older who have filed the appropriate homestead exemption will not see a tax increase.

This is a small investment to ease traffic congestion, repair our roads, and ensure a safer, more efficient future for our community.

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